[PlanetCCRMA] [Fedora-music-list] New packages / Fedora Audio

Simon Lewis simon.lewis at slnet-online.de
Sun Dec 11 13:16:48 PST 2011

Hello All

I made packages for petri-foo for my own purposes from the latest git 

If anyone is interested in testing petri-foo and give feedback / file 
bug reports to James Morris and his team at tracker at 

then the i686.rpm / x86_64.rpm / src.rpm packages can be found in my 
repos as follows:

for fc15   

for fc16   

There are also packages for a2jmidid-7 (with bug fix for clean 
successful connections to jackd) and harmanySEQ-0.15.

Regards, Simon

Am 10.12.2011 18:13, schrieb Brendan Jones:
> Hi all,
> I have recently gone through the pain of relocating countries, setting
> up new workstations etc. and would love to have all the packages I use
> sitting in Fedora. As a result I've packaged a few things which I use
> What is the status of the Fedora Audio SIG? After going through this
> myself I am keen to resurrect the idea of a Fedora Studio. We could even
> make it a feature of Fedora 17.
> We would probably need to coordinate from planetccrma what desperately
> needs to be in mainline Fedora and any other packages which are missing.
> If there is anything you would like packaged which is not let me know.
> In the meantime there is a new packages that have hit Fedora 16 (at
> .least) in the last month or so.
> zita-at1 - Fons' auto-tuner
> zita-rev1 - Reverb from Fons
> phat - GTK toolkit for audio software, was in planetccrma, depandancy of
> specimen. New project coming soon to Fedora petri-foo, which
> replaces/inherits specimen (currently FTBS in planet)
> clxclient - dependancy of zita*, previously in planetccrma*
> I also have a couple of lv2 plugins awaiting review here [1].
> Also thinking of packaging Neil, although this will probably need to
> reside in rpmfusion
> regards,
> Brendan
> [1]
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&classification=Fedora&product=Fedora&component=Package%20Review&bug_status=NEW&emailreporter1=1&emailtype1=substring&email1=brendan.jones.it%40gmail.com
> FAS: bsjones
> Freenode: bsjones (not often but will lurk in #fedora-audio,
> #opensourcemusicians for a bit)
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