[PlanetCCRMA] Multiple Sound Cards

Donald Steven t6sn7gt at aim.com
Mon Dec 5 11:22:13 PST 2011

If I set up local.conf as:

alias snd-card-0 snd-CARD_0
options snd-card-0 index=1
options snd-CARD_0 index=1
alias snd-card-1 snd-CARD_1
options snd-card-1 index=2
options snd-CARD_1 index=2
alias snd-card-2 snd-CARD_2
options snd-card-2 index=0
options snd-CARD_2 index=0

i.e., I bump the indices of snd-card-0 to 1, snd-card-1 to 2 and 
snd-card-2 to 0, is that all I need to do?


On 12/5/2011 1:42 PM, Joe Hartley wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Dec 2011 07:06:47 -0500
> Donald Steven<dsteven at rider.edu>  wrote:
>> I have three sound cards:
>> 0: motherboard
>> 1: graphics card
>> 2: RME card.
>> I want to use the RME card.
> The answer can be found here:
> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/installplanetfourteen.html#SECTION00020600000000000000
> In short, edit your ~/.asoundrc file to set your default to the RME
> card.

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