[PlanetCCRMA] pulseaudio successfully banished to the AC97 CODEC?

Julius Smith jos at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Apr 25 21:59:37 PDT 2011

Yes, I'm using Fedora 14.  I have never seen PA relinquish 
anything.  My experience is that the first device wins and the second 
device loses.  Could I have some old configuration stuff somewhere?

At 09:31 PM 4/25/2011, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>On 04/25/2011 08:53 PM, Julius Smith wrote:
>>I just discovered an apparently valuable utility with the humble name
>>"Volume Control" at
>>      Applications / Sound&  Video / PulseAudio Volume Control
>>There is a Configuration tab where it appears possible to disable
>>devices by setting them to "off".  I disabled everything but the AC97
>>CODEC (the little audio chip on the motherboard), and now it appears
>>pulseaudio is happily using that while JACK uses the EDIROL UA-25EX
>>(hooked up via USB).
>>PA/JACK coexistence is peaceful for the time being.  Before, I had to
>>be careful to start JACK before something like Chrome that used pulseaudio.
>Is this on Fedora 14? When JACK starts PA should relinquish the card 
>(and of course nothing will come out of Chrome audio - I have not 
>tried Chrome myself). What error messages were you getting? Perhaps 
>Chrome is not using PA for audio? (in that case all bets are off).
>-- Fernando

Julius O. Smith III <jos at ccrma.stanford.edu>
Prof. of Music and Assoc. Prof. (by courtesy) of Electrical Engineering
CCRMA, Stanford University

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