[PlanetCCRMA] Experimental Electronic Music Composition Workshop at CCRMA June 20-24 2011
Bruno Ruviaro
ruviaro at stanford.edu
Sun Apr 17 23:03:24 PDT 2011
[apologies for cross-posting]
Dear all,
The Experimental Electronic Music Composition Summer Workshop at
CCRMA/Stanford is designed for beginners and intermediate level
participants interested in sampling-based experimental electronic music
composition. The course is mostly based on open source software. Please
spread the word among your students, friends, colleagues! More info below.
Bruno Ruviaro
Post-Doctoral Scholar
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)
Stanford University
- - - - - - - - - -
June 20-24, 2011
/- Electronic music composition: learn the basics or improve your
current skills
- Develop your musical imagination using sampling creatively
- Learn how to use Ardour <http://ardour.org/>: an alternative to
Pro Tools, Logic
- Also covered: Audacity <http://audacity.sourceforge.net/> (sound
editor), Hydrogen <http://www.hydrogen-music.org/hcms/node/6> (drum
machine), Pd <http://puredata.info/> and MaxMSP
<http://cycling74.com/products/maxmspjitter/> (graphical programming
languages), CataRT <http://imtr.ircam.fr/imtr/CataRT> (concatenative
*/Description/*: This is an exploratory course on the composition of
experimental electronic music. Specifically, the goal of this five-day
workshop is to give students a basic practical understanding of select
tools and techniques for the composition of sample-based electroacoustic
music. Sampling will be discussed in its widest possible musical
definition (including how it may change the nature of musical creativity
and how it relates to politics). The workshop is of an experimental
nature: departing from your own musical background, you will be
encouraged to creatively question underlying musical assumptions and to
explore original (!) ways of composing music through the use of existing
This workshop is intended for/*: beginners to intermediate level
students. You don't have to have any prior experience with the software
mentioned above. No music theory background necessary.
*/Workshop structure:/* The schedule will be organized around morning
lectures and afternoon lab sessions. You work at your own workstations,
complete hands-on exercises, and get personal attention to help with
your questions. You will have access to two of CCRMA's state-of-the-art
composition studios. By the end of the workshop you will have a solid
understanding of the fundamental operations of Audacity (sound editor),
Ardour (digital audio workstation), Hydrogen (drum machine), and Pd
and/or MaxMSP (graphical programming languages). You will use these
programs to create a very short composition which will be presented at
the end of the week. No need to bring your own laptop, although you're
welcome to if you like (please note that we won't have time to help you
install any software on it, so if you plan to work on your own laptop,
make sure you have all necessary installations done beforehand).
/*Keywords:*/ Audacity, Ardour, Plugins, Pd, MaxMSP, Montage and Collage
techniques, Concatenative Synthesis, Sampling, Concrete Music,
Plunderphonics, Intellectual Property, Electronic Music, Electroacoustic
Music, Acousmatics, Musical Borrowing, Composition.
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