[PlanetCCRMA] A workaround for the "DSSI GUIs not working" problem in Fedora

Al Thompson biggles58 at sbcglobal.net
Fri Apr 8 10:45:12 PDT 2011

On 04/05/2011 04:15 AM, Luis Garrido wrote:
> I have found that a workaround for the dreaded DSSI GUI issue in
> Fedora is disabling IPv6 support in liblo. Orcan, what do you think
> about making this the default and backporting to FC13? I posted a
> message asking for clarification at the liblo list, but I guess it
> will take some time to work out a proper solution.
> --------
> PS: for those brave enough to try this at home, here is a small howto for FC13:
> * As root, install some packages useful for rebuilding RPMs:
> yum install rpmdevtools rpm-build yum-utils
> As regular user, create a proper $HOME/rpmbuild tree:
> rpmdev-setuptree
> * Download liblo source RPM:
> yumdownloader --source liblo
> * Install it (it will go to $HOME/rpmbuild):
> rpm -i liblo-0.24-6.fc13.src.rpm
> * Now edit these two lines of $HOME/rpmbuild/SPECS/liblo.spec :

I've been trying to find an easier kludge, and have come across a fix
that may or may not work on anyone else's machine, or on mine tomorrow,
for all I know, because I don't understand the criteria that
NetworkManager uses to decide if it's going to overwrite /etc/hosts or not.

My HOSTNAME is laptop, and I use a static private IP.  If you're using
dhcp you're probably still hosed.  I kept an eye on file dates, and
noticed that NM didn't always write a new /etc/hosts.  I changed mine so
that both networking AND DSSI plugins worked, and copied it to a backup
file, so all I had to do was copy it back if NM overwrote the hosts
file, and to let me compare the two to see what it thought it was trying
to do.

Every time NM overwrote mine, it put the 'laptop' line at the top, above
the 'localhost' line, and that is when it would break DSSI.  I tried
moving the 'laptop' line below the IPV6 line, and it still works AND NM
hasn't overwritten the file in over a week.

So, the /etc/hosts file I have that works, and has not been overwritten is:       localhost.localdomain   localhost
::1             localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6   laptop   desktop

I'm not saying it's a solution, but maybe it can point someone more
familiar with NM to a more reliable solution.


Check out the website I've been cobbling together.  It will never be
done, but it's a start:

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und diese Lüge kriecht aus seinem Munde: 'Ich, der Staat, bin das Volk.'
                                                - [Friedrich Nietzsche]

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