[PlanetCCRMA] A workaround for the "DSSI GUIs not working" problem in Fedora

Luis Garrido luisgarrido at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Apr 5 01:15:03 PDT 2011

I have found that a workaround for the dreaded DSSI GUI issue in
Fedora is disabling IPv6 support in liblo. Orcan, what do you think
about making this the default and backporting to FC13? I posted a
message asking for clarification at the liblo list, but I guess it
will take some time to work out a proper solution.




PS: for those brave enough to try this at home, here is a small howto for FC13:

* As root, install some packages useful for rebuilding RPMs:

yum install rpmdevtools rpm-build yum-utils

As regular user, create a proper $HOME/rpmbuild tree:


* Download liblo source RPM:

yumdownloader --source liblo

* Install it (it will go to $HOME/rpmbuild):

rpm -i liblo-0.24-6.fc13.src.rpm

* Now edit these two lines of $HOME/rpmbuild/SPECS/liblo.spec :

#Release:      6%{?dist}
Release:      6%{?dist}.noipv6

#%configure --enable-ipv6 --disable-static
%configure --disable-static

* Rebuild the package. This will probably fail because you will need
to install some dependencies, like doxygen. rpmbuild will tell you
what packages you are missing, so install them as root and retry until
you get a successful build. You may want to use a different target for
your machine:

rpmbuild --bb --clean --target i686 rpmbuild/SPECS/liblo.spec

* As root, install the new RPM (I want to upgrade the liblo-devel
package too, hence the asterisk):

yum --nogpgcheck localinstall /home/YOUR_USER/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/liblo-*

* That's it, DSSI GUIs should be working now, and you don't have to
disable IPv6 for the whole machine, only for liblo.

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