[PlanetCCRMA] fc13: alsa-tools, jconvolver

Bernardo Barros bernardobarros2 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 21 19:29:54 PDT 2010

Here it worked great too. I can see a big difference in system and
jack performance, that is: less memory and no xruns on very low
latencies (11ms) with the normal generic last fedora kernel.

But the rt-kernel does not start up anymore. That's just me?

2010/9/21 Geoff King <gsking1 at gmail.com>:
> Just tried the new akmod-nvidia for ccrma.  Works great!  I was
> previously using the nvidia installer and patch.
> Thanks, Geoff
>> You could try enabling the planetcore-testing repository and installing
>> akmod-nvidia. That will take care of pretty much everything, including
>> adding parameters to the kernel boot line that do the righ thing with
>> the nouveau driver. The kernel module will hopefully be compiled on your
>> next boot. Make sure you have the kernel-rtPAE-devel or kernel-rt-devel
>> packages installed before doing any of this...
>> -- Fernando

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