[PlanetCCRMA] linuxsampler

Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen at zonnet.nl
Sun Sep 19 12:27:30 PDT 2010


Thanks to your quick responses and fixed rpm releases I am been able to 
see and hear Linuxsampler/Qsampler working on Fedora 13 now. As a 
linuxsampler newbie I appreciate your help.

Which leads me to my next question :-) :

I can use the normal linuxsampler/qsampler version as a MIDI instrument in 

Now I want to trt the dssi plugin version of linuxsampler with 
rosegarden4. I can see the plugin in the plugin list in rosegarden, but 
don't know how to make it useful. The "controls" and "editor" buttons 
don't seem to work ? How do I load samples or sessions ?



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