[PlanetCCRMA] Can't use rt-kernel from planetccrma-core

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Sep 4 09:34:06 PDT 2010

On Sat, 2010-09-04 at 11:37 +0200, Filip Hoško wrote:
> Hello,
> I switched to Fedora from Ubuntu Studio just a few days ago (since my
> hardware didn't work for some reasons on Ubuntu) and I'm now trying to
> setup my system for realtime audio. I get lots of xruns with stock
> kernel so I downloaded the
> planetccrma-core-2010.07.01-1.fc13.ccrma.x86_64 rpm and installed it,
> but when I try to run my system with supplied rt-kernel, it hangs at
> the Fedora loading screen. 

One possibility would be to boot without the graphical boot screen, you
may get more information (also follow the other posts on this thread). 

When you get the first grub screen promptly press any key, then select
the rt kernel, press "e" (for edit), go to the kernel line and press "e"
again and remove the "rhgb quiet" part from the line, then press enter
and "b" (for boot). 

Let us know how it goes...
-- Fernando

> I don't know what causes this, I just noticed that Avahi daemon failed
> to start. I wanted to ask if there are some issues causing
> kernel to hang the
> system, or what can I do to make it run.

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