[PlanetCCRMA] PlanetCCRMA Digest, Vol 31, Issue 1

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Sep 1 14:25:43 PDT 2010

Thanks a lot for the tips everyone!

Funny thing is that I have 'akmods' building successfully (knock on wood
though!) for an older Nvidia card (GeForce 8400), on Fedora12
PlanetCCRMA rt-kernels as well as stock Fedora kernels. 

May be it's an issue with the nvidia binary driver on Fedora13 or just
on the newest drivers.  If I recall jerboyd's patches fix some
compilation errors only on rt-kernels. 

  --* Juan

On Wed, 2010-09-01 at 20:57 +0100, William Blackburn wrote:
> Juan and Geoff and everyone,
> Thats great!.  I never boot into the stock kernel now that I got the
> driver working on the CCRMA kernel.  I also hope that rpm fusion would
> patch the driver for both kernels if that is even possible.  However,
> some non-rt users can be quite hostile about real time kernels.  I
> have noticed this in the #fedora and #fedora-social IRC channels.
>  Anyways, I am glad there are some people(us) who have noticed a
> difference using the CCRMA kernel.  If anyone is interested, I have
> started a wiki that could use some editing or additions.  I am going
> to get it integrated soon.  For now, it is located here
>   https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=User:Tertl3/real-time.
>  Its just a quick run through for using a cool script that checks for
> some additional real time config settings.  Well, I have said too
> much.
> Take Cares
> -William 
> >

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