[PlanetCCRMA] QMidiCtl and QMidiNet (was Re: Pd + PulseAudio?)

Peter Kirn peter at createdigitalmedia.net
Thu Mar 25 09:01:18 PDT 2010

Actually, I've been wanting to give packaging on Fedora a go, having
experimented with it in Ubuntu/Debian/apt land.

Anyone who regularly packages stuff, good tutorial to point to?

Unrelated to this query, but I know there were finally attempts to
better package Java things on Ubuntu; curious if there's a similar
effort now on Fedora, especially with Fedora's superb OpenJDK support,


On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 11:56 AM, Niels Mayer <nielsmayer at gmail.com> wrote:
> Rui's note on qjackctl prompted me to look at http://www.rncbc.org and
> then http://www.rncbc.org/drupal/node/191 which lead to
> http://qmidictl.sourceforge.net/ and http://qmidinet.sourceforge.net/ ...
> Both of these apps look awesome. Any chance these can be made available
> through PlanetCCRMA or even better, through fedora which already carries
> up-to-date versions of qtractor.
> Also, one issue I've found w/ controllers in general is that there is a need
> for a simple scripting language, or a comprehensive set of "built-in special
> functions" to handle "state" and "computation" in midi controllers. Do
> qmidictl or qmidinet have any solutions for this?
> One quick example I ran into recently. I've setup a very useful remote
> control to a TC Electronics Finalizer. One of the features it has is a
> MIDI-controlled "fader" (e.g. for doing smooth fadeouts/fadeins). I've got
> that mapped to a 100MM slider on a behringer controller and it's SWEET. But
> also, it's linear. What I need is to map the midi controllers 0-127 to a
> logarithmic curve so as to match human loudness perception. This doesn't
> seem possible in qmidiroute... (?) What tools would allow this, or any other
> "computed" mapping to be done? (see
> also see http://old.nabble.com/using-qmidiroute-for-midi-device-control....-ts27963116.html )
> Is there an easy way to add scripting languages to Qt apps? (something like
> 'Guile' would be nice).
> Niels
> http://nielsmayer.com
> PS: thanks to http://www.rncbc.org/drupal/node/183 , I will also be taking a
> look at qtractor-0.4.5-1.fc12.x86_64 which i've installed, but not yet
> explored ( rosegarden4-10.02.1-1.fc12.x86_64 works well for me so far).
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