[PlanetCCRMA] firewire woes (again)

Niels Mayer nielsmayer at gmail.com
Sat Mar 20 11:30:39 PDT 2010

This may, or may not, be relevant:
(nb: i've since resolved my issues with ccrma's jackd and am using it,
unlike what is implied in message above, however,  i haven't tested ccrma's
jackd w/ ffado/firewire to see if that is the source of any extra issues...

Also, i think the "interface" field in qjackctrl's setup panel is part of
the problem (aka -d). With firewire/ffado, i noticed it had to be left at
'(default)' and specific entries for input and output device were needed...

Which is why I was later left stuck wondering how to get it out of it's
greyed out mode -- it was not obvious that putting both input and output
devices back to '(default)' and would allow the 'Inteface' field to be set

-- Niels
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