[PlanetCCRMA] about Fedora updates

Niels Mayer nielsmayer at gmail.com
Sat Mar 13 23:48:12 PST 2010

On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <
nando at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> The Planet CCRMA jack installs some lines in
> the /etc/security/limits.conf file that allows all users to access
> SCHED_FIFO/RR scheduling - the Fedora jack relies on you being part of
> the jackuser group. It looks like you don't have that (caveat: you may
> have it, after installing the Planet CCRMA jack package you have to
> logout and then login again for that change to take effect).

I was wondering why a reboot fixed everything...


PS: earlier you suggested I use '-d hw:NVidia' . How can I specify '-d' via
qjackctl? That's where I'm getting a lot of those parameters from -- via the
GUI, which causes this invocation:
/usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -r44100 -p256 -n2 -D -Chw:M66 -Phw:M66 -Xseq -zs -H -M
However, the GUI would allow me to specify incorrect values for -C or -P
giving the kinds of errors related to the hw control interfaces. (Those
errors were from back in january, which is the first time I had the
gumption/time/energy/interest/hardware to setup music production and
recording on the F12 box I had just setup ...)
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