[PlanetCCRMA] 64bit vs 32bit

Henrik Frisk frisk.h at gmail.com
Sat Mar 13 05:52:27 PST 2010

On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 8:11 AM, Niels Mayer <nielsmayer at gmail.com> wrote:

> as an alternative to the rme route, you can go the low-cost route I
> suggested, and buy a used magma cardbus-to-pci box, and stick a few used
> solid/reliable pci cards in it, e.g. M-Audio Delta 66. I haven't tried this,
> so if you do, please let us know how it works out.
> Yes, I read that thread. However, I usually travel with a few acoustic
instruments as well and I have to very careful about weight and size
(airports and security checks...). The magma isn't big but it's bigger than
the RME break out box. Actually, I share some of your concerns WRT USB for
pro audio (Firwire has wrked fine for me at least under OSX) and I'm hoping
to get better performance from the RME Cardbus than what I've been able to
achieve from USB interfaces.

> W/r/t 64 bit flash:
> http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_64bit.html
> I'm not having any problems running the few 32-bit only apps on this 64 bit
> system. Even bad-behaved apps like skype. as long as the system has 32 bit
> and 64 bit libs (by default, only 64 bit for most libs) you should be good
> to go. When running a 32 bit app on a 64 bit system, if an error about a
> missing lib is emitted, do 'rpm -qf /usr/lib/missinglib.so' to find out what
> package you need to manually install in order to get that missing 32 bit
> lib. Install, run again until it stops emitting errors. Of course you can
> also use ldd(1) to achieve the same goals.
> Actually, the only piece of software I haven't gotten to work at all under
64-bit is Chuck. It's my feeling that some software (such as flash) has been
less stable for me under 64-bit than what it was under 32-bit, but this is
more of a feeling.

Therefore, you can probably run 32 bit 'pd' on a 64 bit F12 system, w/ all
> 32 bit libs resolved.
> i'm running stock f12 x86_64 w/o a realtime kernel and it's ok for music.
> Of course, I have a Phenom II 965 (3.4 G quad core_, 1333Mhz 4G 1333Mhz DDR3
> Ram on ASUS_M4A78T-E, 32M cache on my 500G RAID1 drives, etc (nothing
> special just a recently built $700 desktop box). If i want to raise my
> powerbills I can even overclock it to 4G (but then it gets loud and uses
> lots of power).
> A core-i7 laptop would be good for music:
> http://www.hp.com/united-states/campaigns/beats/envy_15.html hopefully
> they won't overheat
> while going full-bore during a performance. The SSD is probably helpful,
> for live performance. I wonder if laptop DJ's at clubs have ever had their
> hard drives fail or mistrack due to bass vibration?
> Of course, for doing live performance where one doesn't actually care about
> it being a laptop, just portable, one might be better off getting a 19" EIA
> rack flightcase w/ shockmounts and a rackmount comp case, fill it w/ a
> standard Mobo and processor like the $700 job I just built, and one of those
> rackmount slideout-drawer keyboard/displays like they have in server cages
> at colocation facilities. Plus it would just look very kraftwerk-like
> compared to a slick-looking, overpriced, underperforming laptop.
> I used to have a setup similar to the one you are describing but I would
never tour with it today. Never.

Thanks a lot for all the helpful tips!


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