[PlanetCCRMA] 64bit vs 32bit

Henrik Frisk frisk.h at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 13:48:43 PST 2010


I know this discussion has been held to some extent on this list and quite
frequently on the Fedora list, but I really need some advice here. When I
bought my new laptop (MacBook Pro 5,2) last summer I installed FC11 x86_64
thinking that was the better choice. I'm not so sure anymore and I'm
thinking about 'downgrading' to 32 bit. The main reason is there is software
I like that doesn't come in a 64-bit versions in addition to the fact that I
can't seem to get the CCRMA RT kernel running. Getting the RT kernel working
is a priority for me because I can't seem to get decent performance from the
Fedora kernel ( Constant troubles with
flash/flex and other proprietary software that I smoetimes depend on adds to
the frustration.

Any thoughts/suggestions? If I decide to reinstall, should I go for FC11 or
FC12 32-bit? Or, is FC12 64-bit "better" than FC11 (from what I cant tell it
is not, but I may be wrong here)?

My priority is to get a laptop that is stable and with low enough latency to
be useful in performance. I'm primarily working in Pd, Snd, Ardour, Audacity
and Chuck and I'm about to replace my Edirol US25 USB interface with a RME
Cardbus with a Multiface II.

Thanks for any input!

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