[PlanetCCRMA] Fwd: xjedeo

Peiman Khosravi peimankhosravi at gmail.com
Tue Mar 2 17:54:10 PST 2010


I have used xjadeo on OS X before so I can answer that part of the  
question. Since xjadeo can sync with Jack's clock you can have the  
sound track in a different programme such as ardour, and synch it with  
xjadeo via Jack. This is very useful for doing audio-visual projects  
since ardour itself doesn't read or play video. But I don't think  
xjadeo is capable of playing any sound on its own.



On 1 Mar 2010, at 20:27, Niels Mayer wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu 
> > wrote:
> Nope, the packager has to fix this! (me :-). Which I just did, it  
> should
> be available now for fedora 12 + rpmfusion (but not tested!)
> I installed this and a number of other packages "standalone" ( (as  
> in I don't have ccrma in my yum repos as it introduces an  
> incompatible version of jack -- I'm using a stock kernel w/ realtime  
> settings enabled via permissions for jack/alsa/etc). I just do "yum  
> install http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetccrma/12/x86_64/xjadeo-0.4.7-1.svn200.fc12.ccrma.x86_64.rpm 
> " and install whatever other ccrma rpms needed when it can't resolve  
> from the stock fedora/updates/rpmfusion repos...
> With that caveat in place, I just wanted to let you know that I've  
> "tested" f12 x86_64 xjadeo as "works for me," though I have a  
> question about audio output.
> I actually used qjadeo, the package includes this GUI front-end to  
> xjadeo and adds it to applications->sound&video menu. IMHO when  
> using qjadeo, the syncing option should be set to "continuous" as  
> the default option results in jerky video until you figure this out.  
> It's pretty cool and I'm happy to have found out about it through  
> this list (thanks Peiman for bringing it up).
> And finding xjinfo is fortuitous, as I was looking for a multiformat  
> video file information extraction tool -- this one fits the bill  
> perfectly as it uses XML, which I can snarfle back into groovy (jvm  
> lang) scripts for use in my java-based web-app. xjinfo outputs info  
> like:
>   <audio>Audio: wmav2, 32000 Hz, 2 channels, s16, 32 kb/s</audio>
>   <video>Video: wmv2, yuv420p, 640x480, 1016 kb/s</video>
>   <video>Video: vp6f, yuv420p, 200x110, 190 kb/s</video>
>   <audio>Audio: mp3, 44100 Hz, 1 channels, s16, 64 kb/s</audio>
> Question: I guess xjadeo does what its description says, however,  
> what happens to the audio in the video? I see no audio outputs  
> created in qjackctl or patchage, and I didn't notice options for  
> enabling audio output from the video.
> Description: Xjadeo is a very simple video player that gets sync  
> from jack. When
>            : a sequencer like Muse or Rosegarden acts as a timebase  
> master,
>            : xjadeo will display the video frame in sync with the  
> sequencer
>            : transport. This means that you can visually synchronize  
> an audio
>            : event with a certain frame in the movie, which comes  
> quite handy
>            : when you want to create a soundtrack for a video clip.
> Niels
> http://nielsmayer.com

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