[PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia on kernel-rt?

Paul Schmidt paschmidt57 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 16:03:43 PST 2010

It really depends on what you want to do with the laptop. If you want to
be able to play HD video with it, then you will need hardware
acceleration from the GPU (or a large CPU). The only reliable hardware
acceleration comes through the nVidia Linux driver. The nVdia ION chip
(9400M) has found popularity paired with the Intel Atom CPU, and it is
capable of displaying HD video (1920x1080). But the ION isn't powerful
enough for video gaming.

The ATI Linux driver seems to have shown some improvement. But the
latest release has dropped support for some not-so-old cards. I have a
Radeon 9700pro ($175) and X850 ($400) that I got when I used windows.
Both are no longer supported by the ATI Linux drivers! Because of this,
I will NEVER buy another ATI product! The ATI windows driver still
supports them, so WTF?

Intel graphics are fine for regular use. Don't expect too much from
them, though.

I usually install the nVidia driver that I download from the nVidia web
site. The only downside to this is that you need to re-install if you
upgrade the kernel. It's not very hard to do. A lesson that I learned
from using MythTV: Once you have everything working, DO NOT
UPGRADE/UPDATE ANYTHING. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!


S C Rigler wrote:
> For the past three years I've been using an HP laptop with integrated 
> Intel graphics so I'm a little ignorant about issues people might have 
> experienced with other chipsets.  I'm now in the market for a new 
> laptop and it seems like the best options have Nvidia graphics.  Does 
> the proprietary Nvidia driver compile against the rt kernel?  Should I 
> use the nouveau driver instead?  Is a laptop with ATI graphis a better 
> option?
> Curious.
> --Steve
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