[PlanetCCRMA] KDE 4.4's nice integration of Pulseaudio, ALSA, and JACK!

Niels Mayer nielsmayer at gmail.com
Mon Jun 14 08:31:33 PDT 2010

I found an interesting link on KDE's Pulseaudio integration:

So when libphonon is used in an application, a connection to
PulseAudio will be attempted. If that connection fails everything will
work as currently and nothing much changes. If the connection
succeeds, we establish if "module-device-manager" is loaded. This is a
module specifically written to implement the routing policy (an
ordered priority list of devices for each category of sound produced -
e.g. Notifications, Music or Video). If this module is not detected we
offer a reduced/cut-down PulseAudio integration where the user will
only see a single, virtual "PulseAudio" sound "device" listed in the
KDE configuration system's multimedia section. If m-d-m is detected
however, users will get the full rich experience.

QUESTION: How does one tell KDE/phonon to quit looking and attempting
to contact pulseaudio (since I deinstalled pulseaudio). Every time a
KDE audio app is started, there's a lag of 5-10 seconds before the
application even starts as it attempts to contact pulseaudio and then
times out::

gnulem-121-~/Music> amarok
socket(): Address family not supported by protocol

For those of us not running pulseaudio, is there an environment
variable or some magic ~/.kde/* setting to tell phonon to quit looking
for pulseaudio? (Or shorten the timeout to zero?). And also, if a
phonon app doesn't find pulseaudio, shouldn't it cache that result
somewhere instead of retrying for the nonexistant server every time
audio needs to be setup? (Is that a bug or a feature?)\

FYI, other than the startup delay, KDE's audio integration is quite
nice. For example, I can tell phonon to send music output to Jack (and
if jack is not running, it then talks to the soundcard directly).


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