[PlanetCCRMA] FC12, x86_64 RPMs for AriaMaestosa, ams, yoshimi ( was Re: Fwd: QTractor 0.4.5 tarball )

Simon Lewis simon.lewis at slnet-online.de
Wed Jun 9 08:18:13 PDT 2010

Hi Fernando

The desktop file starts ams as a monophonic app, perhaps there should be 
2nd desktop file for polyphonic mode?

The sound quality is excellent but app is resource intensive. Starting 
ams with 'ams -p 8' gives 8 voices which is about the limit on my single 
core 2 GHz Intel Celeron.

Best regards, Simon

Am 08.06.2010 22:07, schrieb Fernando Lopez-Lezcano:
> On Fri, 2010-06-04 at 21:09 +0200, Simon Lewis wrote:
>> Hi Niels
>> 'desktop-file-validate' didn't catch that one...!
>> Spec file corrected in attached srpm, cheers Simon
> Hi Niels and Simon... I'm working on rebuilding ams on fc13 (I had to
> add a patch for proper linking of course), if you don't mind I will pick
> up the nice changes in your spec file for my build (with attribution, of
> course). Thanks for the great work!
> (slowly catching up)
> -- Fernando
>> Am 04.06.2010 16:47, schrieb Niels Mayer:
>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  126702 2010-05-19 14:00
>>>> http://nielsmayer.com/ams-2.0.1-2.BUILD.txt
>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  297841 2010-05-19 14:00
>>>> http://nielsmayer.com/ams-2.0.1-2.fc12.src.rpm
>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3199884 2010-05-19 14:00
>>>> http://nielsmayer.com/ams-2.0.1-2.fc12.x86_64.rpm
>>> I noticed one problem with the AMS package, in terms of some spurious
>>> output from another program:
>>> ...............
>>> "KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/sl-ams.desktop, line 1:"
>>> Invalid entry (missing '=')
>>> "KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/sl-ams.desktop, line 5:"
>>> Invalid entry (missing '=')
>>> "KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/sl-ams.desktop, line 7:"
>>> Invalid entry (missing '=')
>>> "KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/sl-ams.desktop, line 8:"
>>> Invalid entry (missing '=')
>>> "KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/sl-ams.desktop, line 9:"
>>> Invalid entry (missing '=')
>>> "KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/sl-ams.desktop, line 10:
>>> " Invalid entry (missing '=')
>>> "KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/sl-ams.desktop, line 11:
>>> " Invalid entry (missing '=')
>>> "KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/sl-ams.desktop, line 12:
>>> " Invalid entry (missing '=')
>>> "KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/sl-ams.desktop, line 13:
>>> " Invalid entry (missing '=')
>>> kbuildsycoca4(3906)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The
>>> desktop entry file  "/usr/share/applications/sl-ams.desktop"  has
>>> Type= "Application"  but no Exec line
>>> kbuildsycoca4(3906) KBuildServiceFactory::createEntry: Invalid Service
>>> :  "/usr/share/applications/sl-ams.desktop"
>>> ............
>>> Niels
>>> http://nielsmayer.com

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