[PlanetCCRMA] [Fedora-music-list] new packages in Fedora updates-testing (2010-06-02)

Orcan Ogetbil oget.fedora at gmail.com
Sun Jun 6 14:46:19 PDT 2010

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 12:15 AM, Niels Mayer wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 6:53 PM, Orcan Ogetbil wrote:
>> frinika-0.6.0-3:
>> F-13 version should be working now. Is anyone using this package? I am
>> thinking of dropping it if there is no interest.
>> F-13: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/frinika-0.6.0-3.fc13
> As a datapoint, I was interested enough in this project (
> http://frinika.appspot.com/ ) that I installed it from SVN several
> weeks ago.How many DAW's can you launch via URL (provided you have
> java installed, along with java-web-start):
> http://frinika.appspot.com/launch/launch.jnlp .
> Frinika also has some neat features and UI.... plus there's not that
> many complete java apps for music, and this one is a pretty good
> representative... Plus, there's gobs of working Java code in here,
> which is perhaps easier to reuse/extend than other DAWs out there.
> Supposedly it works with Jack too, but I wasn't able to get it going
> w/ jack in my brief evaluation:

Yeah, that's a problem I have too. It was *a lot* of work to get
frinika into Fedora. Upstream bundles many external libraries in their
sources. Since Fedora has a strict policy to package libraries
separately, I had to fish them out one by one. Along the way, I
figured that some of the libraries themselves were bundling other
libraries, so they needed to be patched out and packaged separately.
After a lot of work, by me and the reviewers, and going down multiple
layers of dependency tracking, we finally managed to make an RPM for
frinika. It is still very time consuming to maintain, since I have to
rewrite all the patches when there is an update in frinika or in one
of the libraries. Given that after all this work, it still does not
work properly with jack, I started to doubt that it was worth the
effort. But I'll keep it (and all the java sound libraries) if you
guys like the application.


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