[PlanetCCRMA] "pro-linux.de" review of Fedora 13 links planetccrma, complains of pain of getting media working

Niels Mayer nielsmayer at gmail.com
Sat Jun 5 16:01:15 PDT 2010

(pain of getting working due to lack of "wizard" to guide people
around https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ForbiddenItems IMHO; probably
everything else would have been taken care of by using
http://spins.fedoraproject.org/kde/ instead of the generic f13

Distribution tests
Fedora 13
Fedora 13 on 25 Published in May 2010 and is waiting with updated
desktop and a host of new features on. This article highlights a
picture of the distribution, focusing on the changes to give.

By Hans-Joachim Baader

Fedora 13 "Goddard" was published on 25 May 2010, six months after 12
Fedora The publication has been modified once again postponed by a
week to eliminate short-term problems discovered.

Before I start with my small report, be noted that this is not a test
of the Hardwarekompatiblilität. It is well known that Linux supports
more hardware than any other operating system, and the vast majority
of the standard package. A test is so unnecessary, especially since in
most cases anyway, no such hardware would be available.

Since a trial is therefore unnecessary to real hardware will be used
for the article, two identical virtual machines, 64 bit, with KVM with
512 MB RAM.

The report is not a distribution test. It depends of course on how to
define a distribution test, and who wants to see the report as a
distribution test can do that. The article will focus, however,
entirely on what's new in version 13 and responsive to individual
software packages only when there are potential differences from other
distributions. Most of the software is the most equal distributions,
often exactly the same version, so this must not be further mentioned.

Installation Media
Fedora can be installed different kinds of, example of a live system
to the ISO image is available as a. A direct start an installation
system with a DVD or the equivalent set of CDs possible. Also an
installation from a minimal image »boot.iso" that most of the needed
packages from one server downloads will be offered. A slightly larger,
but still greatly reduced ISO image is "netinst.iso." Plus, you can
with a single command (livecd-iso-to-disk on Linux, liveusb-creator
software) a bootable USB stick with Fedora produce under. This is
described in the installation guide.

A new option is the small ISO image from boot.fedoraproject.org. It
can be started locally and then contacted the Fedora server to the
kernel and the installation image to get from there. This you then
have the choice between different versions of Fedora. In my test it
worked fine. One must, however, no HTTP proxy have defined, otherwise
boot loader can, although the boot menu server download from the
remains when downloading the kernel hang but (this problem should not
occur when a real computer with a direct web-access installed).

Fedora 13 DVDs are available for x86 and x86_64 architectures as well
as live CDs with KDE and GNOME available for x86 and x86_64. In the
live CDs Software is the limited extent of course, what reason is that
there are several variants, including one with KDE, one with GNOME,
one with LXDE and one with Xfce (probably first presented prominently)
as the desktop. More software you can from the DVD or, alternatively,
a set of six CDs to install. The DVD also offers an escape system and
a text mode installation. The PowerPC (PPC) architecture for Fedora is
now only secondary. There is no boot media anymore, but a special
interest group wants to further nursing care for this variant.
[... 5 pages skipped ...]

(google translated)
Fedora 13 contains no drastic changes from the predecessor, but still
a great improvement and offers little cause for complaint. My biggest
criticism is the drastic increase in memory requirement for
installation. There are other shortcomings that fail but compared to
what is offered rather low. However, these defects may well constitute
barriers to entry, with the other distributions have easy access. It
is probably most observers agree. Fedora offers much to those who are
willing to acquire at least basic knowledge of the internals of Linux.
For users that the internals do not care if the software only works
just as it ought to offer more to other distributions.

Overall, disappointing is the KDE integration. Firstly, the package
management KpackageKit a suggestion which currently has no place in
any distribution somewhat. Second, the re-installation of the
multimedia functions cumbersome and still requires further work to the
KDE media player Dragon Player and Kaffeine to make usable. Once KDE
crashed during playback from the media completely.

A comparison with the recently released Ubuntu 10:04 LTS offers the
same software versions on almost due. Both systems have very different
orientations. Fedora is even more than Ubuntu on the latest
technologies, which are often more driven by Red Hat. Also, Ubuntu is
driving developments, but given the small number of employees in
perhaps only one tenth of this size and very much on the desktop and
the Cloud - concentrated with just that polishing of the features that
Fedora is missing. Both distributions have in turn shared that they
large number of software updates to bring out one, because many errors
are eliminated. Because of the initially high number of errors users
is the most time to recommend this, update a few weeks to wait before.

Fedora is due to its more for power users and developers who want to
keep with the latest on the ball, but aim for a certain balance with
stability. Even users who have a taste of the next version of Red Hat
Enterprise Linux want to be, are interested in Fedora. Who else
belongs to the target group of Fedora is about the project itself does
not probably agree. The ongoing discussion in the future could well
lead to a change in direction, but I do not think this will be more

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-- Niels

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