[PlanetCCRMA] Fwd: [sc-users] SuperCollider 3.4 released
Bernardo Barros
bernardobarros2 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 15:17:40 PDT 2010
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dan Stowell <danstowell+sc3 at gmail.com <danstowell%2Bsc3 at gmail.com>>
Date: 2010/7/15
Subject: [sc-users] SuperCollider 3.4 released
To: SuperCollider users mailing list <sc-users at lists.bham.ac.uk>
Hi all -
The new 3.4 version of SuperCollider is now available for Mac and Linux.
Full announcement (and downloads) here:
There are many changes since 3.3.1, including 64-bit support on mac
and linux, iPhone support, performance improvements, and improved user
interface features. Also, following the 3.4 “alpha” a couple of months
ago we fixed a backwards-compatibility issue, made consistency
improvements in JITlib, and more.
The '-with-extras' versions include the new version of SwingOSC too (0.65).
Many people contributed towards this release - not just the large
group of developers but also people improving documentation, reporting
bugs, and so on. Thanks to you all!
sc-users mailing list
info (subscription, etc.):
archive: http://www.listarc.bham.ac.uk/marchives/sc-users/
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