[PlanetCCRMA] Planet SuperCollider 3.4 for Fedora 13 ?

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Jul 12 13:30:24 PDT 2010

On Mon, 2010-07-12 at 17:14 -0300, Bernardo Barros wrote:
> Hey all,
> Since Plannet CCRMA is moving step by step to the new Fedora 13, it
> will be nice to take in mind that by chance SuperCollider is also
> making a major update with the 3.4 version about these days. I think
> that version should be the right version for PlanetCCRMA for Fedora
> 13, shouldn't it? I think PD-extended also have a more recent version,
> 0.42 I think.

Looks like sc 3.4 is just out (yesterday?) and the links in the sf site
still point to 3.3.1.... I will probably update it on fc12 and fc13. I
usually wait a few days for the dust to settle after a major release :-)

At least in the web site (http://puredata.info/downloads) pd extended is
still 0.41.4 - maybe that is still to happen. 

Thanks for the information!
-- Fernando

> (and Fedora 13 rocks btw!)

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