[PlanetCCRMA] [LAU] Denemo 0.8.18 Release - Free and Open Music Notation Editor

Niels Mayer nielsmayer at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 10:12:14 PDT 2010

I just noticed that fedora packages an old version of denemo:
denemo.x86_64                         0.8.4-3.fc12              fedora
denemo-debuginfo.x86_64               0.8.4-3.fc12              fedora-debuginfo
denemo-music-fonts.noarch             0.8.4-3.fc12              fedora

However,  http://denemo.org/index.php/Get_Denemo states "Some
Distributions provide Denemo-packages. Mostly they are not up-to-date.
Don't use a version below 0.8.10"

Given the above warning, whoever is packaging denemo for fefora should
consider updating to this release.

Denemo seems like another very comprehensive fedora music application
and looks like it might be better than frescobaldi-1.0.2-1.fc12.noarch
-- especially because it makes excellent use of scheme as an extension
language, and knows how to use the internet to fetch script extensions
from ftp://www.denemo.org/download/editscripts/    ...

What I really want is a scheme/lisp interface to
http://drumstick.sourceforge.net/ but that's another story...


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