[PlanetCCRMA] laptop audio interface suggestions

Paul Hales pdhales at optusnet.com.au
Sun Jan 31 04:22:52 PST 2010

I would love to know the answer to this as well - I really want to put
together a portable recording setup.


francis keyes wrote:
> Hey All,
> Its been a while since I've asked... still looking for a good audio
> interface for my laptop.  Since firewire is pretty much gone, I guess
> I'm looking for a USB card.  I need something that can record 4
> balanced, analog inputs at 24 bits, 96kHz.  I had my eye on the
> M-Audio Fast Track Ultra but apparently it doesn't work with Linux.
> (are there any USB 2.0 audio interfaces that do work?).  Anyways, any
> suggestions would be very much appreciated.
> Thanks!
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