[PlanetCCRMA] What Am I Missing?-- playback and capture sample rates do not match (44100 vs. 48000) F10 and F11

Sean Beeson seanbeeson at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 10:53:55 PST 2010


Thanks for the replay.

The device has had support for awhile now. The device would work
before when I first set it up under FC 11 and just used the default
settings from the PlanetCCRMA. Since then something got changed and
I'm not sure what. The mod being used is snd_usb_audio. Other than the
configuration files I listed above I'm not sure if there is somewhere
else I should be looking. It's curious that it is trying to load the
ffado stuff, which is for Firewire interfaces and of which I do not
have on the machine. I am beginning to think that something for the
Fedora repo got pushed to the machine and fails then kicks down to a
generic setting. Not sure how to get out of it.

It seems we have a few people on vacation.


On 12/21/09, kelly  hirai <khirai at ongaku.isa-geek.net> wrote:
> i reciently aquired this interface. there seems to be a kernel patch to
> get this up in to the 24 bit 96 kHz relm with some modifications to the
> modprobe.d directory for module loading arguments as well. i'm not sure if
> this is part of the ccrma rt-kernel or not. i have 44100 kHz @ 16 bits
> working with the unmodified snd_usb_audio (stock fedora 11 kernel).
> theoretically, 48kHz should work but i have not been able to get that
> either.
> http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/M-Audio_FastTrack_Pro
> kelly
> On Sun, 27 Dec 2009, Sean
> Beeson wrote:
>> Another thing I just noticed is that the "Interface" choice in the
>> QjackCtl settings window is set to default and does not allow me to
>> change it, being grayed out. In the Gnome Sound Preferences the
>> Default Mixer Tracks has the onboard chosen and does not list another
>> device. I am pretty sure I could change both of these at one time. I
>> am not sure if this information helps, but I just read in another post
>> that Fernando mentions that one should make sure that  "Interface" is
>> pointing to "hw:0" and not default. I always kill PulseAudio before I
>> do anything.
>> Thanks again, if anyone can help,
>> --Sean
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