[PlanetCCRMA] Fwd: xjedeo

Peiman Khosravi peimankhosravi at gmail.com
Sun Feb 28 10:28:42 PST 2010

sorry I didn't mean to press send! I was up all night setting up  

That's no problem, maybe it's better if I wove to fedora 11 then?



On 28 Feb 2010, at 18:24, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

> On Sun, 2010-02-28 at 18:19 +0000, Peiman Khosravi wrote:
>> Thanks very much. I just installed rmpfusion but still getting the  
>> "no
>> package" message in the terminal.
> Hmm, you are right, not available in fc12 (it was a very recent build
> and I obviously did not propagate it to fc12 - we currently use fc11  
> at
> ccrma). Sorry for the inconvenience.
> -- Fernando
>>> On 28 Feb 2010, at 02:28, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 2010-02-27 at 23:05 +0000, Peiman Khosravi wrote:
>>>>> Hello again and very sorry for all these questions.
>>>>> Is the jack video application xjedeo in the planet ccrma  
>>>>> repository?
>>>>> If not what is the best way to go about acquiring it on fedora 12?
>>>> It is in the repository. You also have to have the rpmfusion
>>>> repository
>>>> installed and enabled. When you have that a "yum install xjadeo"
>>>> should
>>>> do it.

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