[PlanetCCRMA] [Fwd: Re: instant gratification du jour -- azr3-jack tonewheel emulator]

Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen at zonnet.nl
Tue Feb 23 23:50:33 PST 2010

On Wed, 24 Feb 2010, Al Thompson wrote:

> [al at localhost azr3-jack-1.0.3]$ make
> *** You don't have lash-1.0>=0.5.3, which you need in order to build
> this software.
> make: *** [check-pkg-deps] Error 1
> Any hints?  These sorts of problems are beyond me.

Your Fedora version is a bit old. I have Fedora 12 which has lash version 
0.5.4. You should update Fedora, or, if you don't want to (yet) try to get 
newer lash and lash-devel from newer Fedora versions and see if you can 
install these.

But first you should try

yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update lash lash-devel

and if that doesn't give you a newer lash version

yum --enablerepo=rawhide update lash lash-devel

But one day you will have to update Fedora. Current version is 12, maybe 
you want to skip 13 if you are superstitious and wait for Fedora 14 ;-)



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