[PlanetCCRMA] DSSI issue

Sean Bolton smbolton at jps.net
Tue Feb 23 22:10:33 PST 2010

Hi Patrick,

On Feb 23, 2010, at 1:03 PM, Patrick Lefebvre wrote:
> So I'm getting an error with any synth that uses DSSI
> Always the same.
> *** glibc detected *** hexter: free(): invalid next size (fast):
> 0x0832a128 ***
> *** glibc detected *** whysynth: free(): invalid next size (fast):
> 0x09c9e128 ***
> *** glibc detected *** xsynth-dssi: free(): invalid next size (fast):
> 0x0953d138 ***
> I'm using FC10.
> I've installed the front ends and dssi all from sources but it didn't
> solve it. The programs compile and install fine, but will not run.

This is the same problem you posted about a month ago, yes?
It looked at that time that the problem wasn't in the DSSI plugin,
but rather in jack-dssi-host.  To confirm that, does the error
happen with a different host (e.g., ghostess or RoseGarden)?
Were you able to compile jack-dssi-host with '-g' and get a
backtrace? You might also try running it with MALLOC_CHECK_
set to 3:

$ export MALLOC_CHECK_=3
$ hexter

and see if that tells us anything.



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