[PlanetCCRMA] instant gratification du jour -- azr3-jack tonewheel emulator

Niels Mayer nielsmayer at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 13:31:36 PST 2010

Is http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/azr3/ available on planet CCRMA?
I just accidentally found it, and decided to try out the Suse RPM on my
x86_64 fedora12 system (stock kernel, not planetccrma).
The Suse RPM works beautifully: just fire up qjackctl , hookup the audio
outs, and connect the jack midi output to the AZR-3 midi in.


Name : *azr3-jack*
Summary : This JACK program is a port of the free VST plugin AZR-3Description
This JACK program is a port of the free VST plugin AZR-3. It is
a tonewheel organ with drawbars, distortion and rotating speakers.
The original was written by Rumpelrausch Täips.

The organ has three sections, two polyphonic with 9 drawbars each
and one monophonic bass section with 5 drawbars. The two polyphonic
sections respond to events on MIDI channel 1 and 2, and an optional
keyboard split function makes the bass section listen to the lower
keys on channel 1.

The three sections have separate sustain and percussion switches
as well as separate volume controls, and the two polyphonic sections
have separate vibrato settings. All three sections are mixed and
sent through the distortion effect and the rotating speakers
simulator, where the modulation wheel can be used to switch between
fast and slow rotation, and the fast and slow rotation speeds
themselves can be changed separately for the lower and upper

Author: Lars Luthman < lars.luthmanAATTgmail.com>


ROOT-gnulem-65-~/Download> rpm -ivh azr3-jack-1.0.3-0.pm.2.1.x86_64.rpm
warning: azr3-jack-1.0.3-0.pm.2.1.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature:
NOKEY, key ID 9a795806
error: Failed dependencies:
alsa is needed by azr3-jack-1.0.3-0.pm.2.1.x86_64
jack is needed by azr3-jack-1.0.3-0.pm.2.1.x86_64
ROOT-gnulem-66-~/Download> rpm -ivh --nodeps
warning: azr3-jack-1.0.3-0.pm.2.1.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature:
NOKEY, key ID 9a795806

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