[PlanetCCRMA] ffado on Fedora 12

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Feb 3 11:56:35 PST 2010


I have Fernando´s latest FFADO and libffado running on F-12. 
'ffado-mixer' works and finds device without using jack. 

In case it's worth and FTR, I am posting the steps I took. (My apologies
if this is being restated).

Make sure you are running PlanetCCRMA RT Kernel.
Make sure you have libraw1394 installed.

Install ffado and libffado.

Disable SElinux (too tricky to configure).

Create an 'udev' configuration file for raw1394 on: '/etc/udev/rules.d/'

My 'udev' file looks like:

'vi  /etc/udev/rules.d/69-raw1394.rules'

# Firewire
KERNEL=="dv1394*", SYMLINK+="dv1394/%n"
KERNEL=="video1394*", NAME="video1394/%n"
KERNEL=="raw1394*", GROUP="audio"


Test raw1394 manually by:

modprobe raw1394

If it's ok 'lsmod | grep 1394'  should look like,

raw1394                21096  0 
ohci1394               26308  0 

Start qjackctl and run jack as usual. Use a firewire configuration on
setup (no freebob).

Perhaps module raw1394 can be loaded automatically by adding it to
'/etc/modprobe.d/local.conf', but I have not been able to do it yet. I
presume an alias for this module needs to be found on my machine.

  Good luck,

  --* Juan Reyes

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