[PlanetCCRMA] FC14

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Dec 28 11:02:07 PST 2010

On 12/28/2010 10:12 AM, Juan Reyes wrote:
> The only issue I am having while using Jack out of Fedora-14 official
> repos is that the realtime switch doesn't seem to work with
> PlanetCCRMA's RT Kernel.

What error do you get?

If this is a complete install (and not an upgrade) most probably you 
have to add your user to the proper group to be able to get realtime 
scheduling enabled. Hmmm, maybe I should add an extra package in Planet 
CCRMA to enable all users (although some will complain about the 
security risks of doing so).

-- Fernando

> I remember few years ago that one of the reasons (among many others),
> why Fernando was packaging Jack, was to toggle this 'realtime' switch.
> Best of all,
>    --* Juan
> On Sun, 2010-12-26 at 13:47 -0500, Orcan Ogetbil wrote:
>> On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Oded Ben-Tal wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> I was planning to use the holiday time to catch up and upgrade my system to
>>> FC14. Am I right that as of now there is no Jack or ffado for FC14? Or did
>>> those just migrate to the central repository instead of the planet?
>> Hello,
>> Jack2 and ffado are moved to the official Fedora repos.
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