[PlanetCCRMA] Installing CCRMA on Fedora 14

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Dec 28 10:59:44 PST 2010

On 12/28/2010 08:04 AM, linux media 4 wrote:
>> There are packages ready to install for FC14
>> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetccrma/14/i386/repoview/
>> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetcore/14/i386/repoview/
>> Thought some thingsa are still missing. I was able to install the rt
>> kernel and run some applications yesterday. I'll be able to do some more
>> testing later today.
>> Oded
> I thought about installing the RPMs on that page but have never deviated
> from the standard way of installing the planet repo and then using yum
> commands. If I install these RPMs and eventually install the planet repo
> and use the yum commands, will it be aware of any files I already
> installed and adjust accordingly?

Surf to the planetccrma url and manually download and install 
planetccrma-repo (as in the instructions for fc12), then you can install 
the core components (rt kernel) and any application you wish to have - 
most of the instructions for fc12 apply. Most packages are there, there 
are a few that I have not managed to compile (and a lot of stuff 
including jack and ardour come from the Fedora repositories...)

-- Fernando

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