[PlanetCCRMA] RT kernel + Nvidia

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Dec 26 17:35:55 PST 2010

On 12/26/2010 05:08 PM, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On 12/26/2010 06:43 AM, Er wrote:
>> Hi everyone and merry Xmas to y'all!
>> The long awaited RT kernel is finally here! And I must thank you
>> Fernando for this and all your tremendous work!

Well, that should go to Thomas Gleixner and all the other kernel gurus 
that keep patches rolling out...

>> My CCRMA 14 system works very well save for the rt kernel, that won't
>> work with those hideous nvidia drivers :(
>> (It was also impossible in the 13th release)
>> I've tried to install then from the Nvidia script and I got this :
>> http://pastebin.com/0krCKQUy
>> Has anyone successfully installed the nvidia drivers alongside to the rt
>> kernel?
>> If so, I'd be delighted to know how!!
>> If not... the vanilla kernel, ain't that bad after all... ;-)
> I had an akmod-nvidia package available on the fc13 planetcore-testing
> repository (it builds the binary modules on demand when the machine
> reboots - you do have to have the -devel package installed for the
> kernel for this to work). For rt kernels there is a patch you need to add...
> I see there is a new version of the kmod-nvidia packages from romfusion
> available... I'll build rt compatible packages for both fc13 and fc14
> (but I can only test on fc13)...

I just released packages for akmod-nvidia for both fc13 in 
planetcore-testing (updated to the latest version) and fc14, available 
in the planetcore repository directly.

If you install the akmod-nvidia package the binary module should be 
rebuild on the next boot (don't forget to install the kernel-rtPAE-devel 
or kernel-rt-devel packages).

-- Fernando

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