[PlanetCCRMA] jack-dssi-host

S C Rigler riglersc at gmail.com
Wed Dec 8 04:31:37 PST 2010

On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 11:21 PM, Sean Bolton <smbolton at jps.net> wrote:

> On Dec 7, 2010, at 2:01 PM, Samuel Sieb wrote:
> > Len wrote:
> >> Sorry if this is a bit off-topic, but does anyone know how to keep
> >> Network Manager from re-writing /etc/hosts on each reboot?  The
> >> gui for dssi clients (hexter, fluidsynth-dssi, etc) will only
> >> appear if the hostname is associated with localhost in /etc/hosts,
> >> but nm keeps modifying the file and overwriting my changes.
> >>
> > That sounds like a bug in the clients or the gui (not familiar with
> > the
> > application).  Do you have an explanation for why it has that
> > requirement?
> The problem can affect almost any application that uses liblo, a library
> which many DSSI hosts and plugins, as well as other audio applications,
> use for OSC communication.
> liblo needs to generate a URL for the application that is (hopefully)
> resolvable by the local machine and any remote clients that may try to
> use it.  Arguably, liblo does the "right thing" to do this, and it works
> just fine on correctly configured systems.  Unfortunately, this quite
> often breaks on otherwise functional systems.  Most often the problem is
> that the machine's hostname is not resolvable, e.g.:
> $ hostname
> mickey
> $ ping mickey
> ping: unknown host mickey
> > Why do you want your hostname to resolve to localhost?
> The hostname doesn't need to resolve to localhost, but it does need to
> resolve to the address of one of the machine's network interfaces. But
> since the easiest way to advise a newbie how to fix a broken system is
> just to say "add your hostname to the 'localhost' line of /etc/hosts",
> many people incorrectly have come to think it does need to point to
> localhost.
> Anyway, hope that helps.  I don't have any advice on Network Manager,
> since I don't run it.
> -Sean

So we all agree that the hostname doesn't need to resolve to the loopback
interface but this is not caused by a newbie mistake.  NetworkManager
inflicts this on us so that we have to work around it by *removing* the
hostname from the ipv6 localhost line in /etc/hosts.  The frustrating part
is that NetworkManager keeps putting it back so that we have to remember to
edit the hosts file every time the machine is booted, woken up from suspend,
or does anything else causes an IP address to renew.

Since you are suggesting that our systems are in some way incorrectly
configured to do this I'm open to suggestions that might fix it.

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