[PlanetCCRMA] Running a Lenovo ThinkPad R400 or T400 on a Fedora12/CCRMA setup

linux media 4 linuxmedia4 at netscape.net
Mon Dec 20 19:56:16 PST 2010

 >>> This R400 has the dual-stack PCMCIA/Expresscard setup.
 >>> This is important to me because I already have a PCMCIA
 >>> Firewire Card that I know works and there's a limited
 >>> amount of firewire controlers that work well with the
 >>> FFADO drivers. And of course, everything's moving to
 >>> express card, so that's also good to have. I will find
 >>> out if the built-in firewire port works with the FFADO
 >>> drivers when the laptop is delivered.

 >> yessirree... the firewire port *does* work in the R400.
 >> I played with it for about a half an hour and there's
 >> possibilities there may be glitches that come up later,
 >> but so far, it seemed to work flawlessly.
 >> Currently I'm running
 >> ffado 2.0.1-3.20100706.svn1864.fc12

 > Can you find out what chipset the firewire interface uses
 > (i.e., is it Texas Instruments)?  Usually, from what I've
 > read, the TI chipsets are the ones that seem to work best
 > for linux audio.
 > Thanks,
 > Len

I googled it and looked at spec sheets and also looked all through 
http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Category:R400 and can't find what chipset 
it is. I just sent an email to the friend that did all the hardware 
research to see if he can find the answer. I'll let you know if he comes 
up with anything.

Two things though... First... pay attention to the thinkwiki link I 
included here. It has general information, but the links on the bottom 
seem to have more specific information about the laptop. And second... 
the firewire port on the R400 is a 4 pin port. The only difference that 
I know of between the 4 pin and the 6 pin is that the 6 pin can power a 
firewire device and the 4 pin can't. Not a huge thing for me, but may be 
for others.


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