[PlanetCCRMA] Any known USB audio interfaces that actually have four outputs that show up in Jack?

Sean Beeson seanbeeson at gmail.com
Mon Apr 26 19:34:14 PDT 2010

ASLA's site shows the M-Audio QUATTRO as having 4 ins and 4 outs and
it being fairly supported. I'm not sure if that means all four ins and
four outs are actually usable by Jack at one time or not because I
have an M-Audio FTP that is supposed to have 2 ins and four outs, but
only two outs are usable at one time. That is why I'm asking here if
someone actually has seen a USB device that has four outs that Jack
actually uses.


On 4/27/10, Sean Beeson <seanbeeson at gmail.com> wrote:
> Paul,
> I don't believe so. It is my understanding that the focusrites that
> are actually on the FFADO list have the best support under Linux. They
> aren't the cheapest, however. It's unfortunate that the USB device
> list on ALSA's own site isn't always clear on exactly what
> functionality works completely for each device.
> --Sean
> On 4/27/10, Paul Hales <pdhales at optusnet.com.au> wrote:
>> Are there any workable usb options? Firewire is nice enough but usb is
>> more
>> portable..
>> -original message-
>> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Any known USB audio interfaces that actually
>> have	four outputs that show up in Jack?
>> From: "Paul Hales" <pdhales at optusnet.com.au>
>> Date: 27/04/2010 09:14
>> I'm looking for the opposite - a usb or firewire interface to record 4
>> inputs at a reasonable price.
>> -original message-
>> Subject: [PlanetCCRMA] Any known USB audio interfaces that actually have
>> four outputs that show up in Jack?
>> From: Sean Beeson <seanbeeson at gmail.com>
>> Date: 27/04/2010 08:16
>> Hi, List.
>> Would anyone know of a reasonably priced USB interface that actually
>> has four output that show up in Jack in Fedora 12 or 11 they could
>> recommend?  I'm more interested in the playback than the capturing.
>> Thanks,
>> Sean
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