[PlanetCCRMA] CLAM on CCRMA or Fedora please??

Simon Lewis simon.lewis at slnet-online.de
Mon Apr 26 13:45:53 PDT 2010

Hi Niels

Can you help?

I am trying to build clam 1.4.0 on Fedora 12 x86_64

Using the attached rpm spec file I can successfully build libclam.

However, the build stops when trying to build the plug-ins... See 
Konsole output below...

The CLAM source code is not particularly lib64 savy - 
clam_build_helpers.py has to be modified to build libclam.

How to build the plug-ins on 64bit linux systems?


+ for i in Filters GuitarEffects MIDI resampling samplebysample sndfile 
spacialization speech osc
+ pushd plugins/Filters
~/rpmbuild/BUILD/CLAM-1.4.0/plugins/Filters ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/CLAM-1.4.0
+ export 
+ scons 
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Package clam_core was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `clam_core.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'clam_core' found
pkg-config clam_core --libs --cflags' exited 1:
"/home/simon/rpmbuild/BUILD/CLAM-1.4.0/plugins/Filters/SConstruct", line 36:
     env.EnableClamModules(clamDependencies, CLAMInstallDir)
   File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/Environment.py", line 217:
     return apply(self.method, nargs, kwargs)
line 166:
     ' '.join(libs)))
   File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/Environment.py", line 1447:
     return function(self, self.backtick(command))
   File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/Environment.py", line 585:
     raise OSError("'%s' exited %d" % (command, status))

Am 26.04.2010 18:32, schrieb Niels Mayer:
> I noticed that CLAM stopped being supported by PlanetCCRMA around F8 
> timeframe.
> It looks like a lot of new and cool stuff is available. Any interest 
> in getting this added?
> http://clam-project.org/
>     CLAM 1.4.0, 3D molluscs in the space
>     The CLAM project is delighted to announce the long awaited 1.4.0
>     release of CLAM, the C++ framework for audio and music, code
>     name 3D molluscs in the space.
>     In summary, this long term release includes a lot of new
>     spacialization modules for 3D audio; MIDI, OSC and guitar
>     effectsmodules; architectural enhancements such as typed controls;
>     nice usability features for the NetworkEditor interface;
>     convenience tools and scripts to make CLAM experience better;
>     enhanced building of LADSPA plugins and new support for LV2 and
>     VST plugin building; a new easy to use application to explore
>     songs chords called Chordata; many optimizations, bug fixing and
>     code clean ups.
> It looks great and easy to use: 
> http://clam-project.org/wiki/Development_screenshots
> See also:
> http://vokicodder.blogspot.com/2007/04/educational-vowel-synth-and.html
> http://vokicodder.blogspot.com/2007/04/realtime-mfcc-and-lpc-analysis.html
> http://vokicodder.blogspot.com/2007/04/realtime-voice-gender-change.html
> http://vokicodder.blogspot.com/2009/04/vst-plugins-with-qt-user-interface.html
>     ... CLAM allows to visually build JACK and PortAudio based
>     applications with Qt interfaces as well as GUI-less
>     VST and LADSPA plugins. The more flashy feature of VST is user
>     interfaces that are mostly built using VSTGUI. We are using Qt as
>     interface for JACK and Portaudio based apps because we are using
>     the nice features of Qt toolkit to dynamically bind the UI
>     elements and the underlaying processing. Moreover, Qt
>     styling features enables shinning designer-made interfaces. Why
>     not being able to reuse the same interface for VST and JACK? That
>     has been a long standing TODO in CLAM so now is time to address it.
>     In summary, we fully solved croscompiling vst's from linux and we
>     even started using qt interfaces as vst gui. In that last point,
>     there still is a lot of work to do, but the basic question on
>     whether you can use qt to edit a vst plugin is now out of any doubt.
>     To make the spike simpler, and in order not to collide with other
>     CLAM developers, currently working on it, i just left apart all
>     the CLAM wrapping part, just addressing vst crosscompiling and Qt
>     with the sdk examples.
>     Cross compilation was pretty easy. This time I found lot more
>     documentation on mingw and even scons. Just by adding
>     the crossmingw scons tool we are already using for the apps and i
>     managed to get Linux cross-compiled plugins running on Wine. 
> Niels
> http://nielsmayer.com
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