[PlanetCCRMA] qxgedit-0.1.0-2.rncbc.suse112.x86_64.rpm on Fedora12

Niels Mayer nielsmayer at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 17:21:51 PDT 2010


> Remember that piece of junk that I rig on every desktop which still has

some PCI card slots anyway? If you don't, I'll tell you once more: the

Yamaha DB50XG piggyback. I know it's not easy find those nowadays, but

there's always that auction sites for you to try. Moreover the hosting

sound-cards which exposes a Creatine Labs Waveblaster daughter-board

expansion port, are no easier too. Ah, the good old nineties...

> Never mind, so here it goes again:

>  QXGEdit 0.1.0 has fallen from the attic

Note these binaries probably work on Fedora too:



The latter "worksforme" in Fedora 12:

> sudo rpm -ivh qxgedit-0.1.0-2.rncbc.suse112.x86_64.rpm

Preparing...                ###########################################
> [100%]

   1:qxgedit                ###########################################
> [100%]

This synth is a daughterboard card for
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Wave_Blaster ... Well reviewed ...
http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/1996_articles/may96/yamahadb50xg.html and
still available

This program looks nice enough that I almost want to find one of these cards
and daughterboard for sale cheap on ebay. I wish I had patch editors on
linux that look as nice as qxgedit.


PS: Anybody know whether this can control other Yamaha GM chips -- like the
one in my Suzuki Q-Chord or Yamaha DD-55??
I did a quick test and although the lights on the midi box flashed, the
sound didn't change any. That's why I tested this out in the first place.
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