[PlanetCCRMA] [mididings] Building mididings on Fedora 12

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Apr 28 20:53:13 PDT 2010

On Wed, 2010-04-28 at 20:24 -0700, Niels Mayer wrote:
> Dominic -- Thanks for the suggestion, it got rid of all the errors and
> warnings.

Hey, it is great to see all this activity in the list. I'm off to
LAC2010 so it will take me 1 1/2 weeks to even be able to catch up. But
if there are srpms I could spin off some packages...

-- Fernando

> Here's the result of "starting from scratch". (next step: figure out
> how to turn off "-g" for GCC)
>         gnulem-8-~> tar xzf ~/Download/mididings-20100413.tar.gz  
>         gnulem-10-~/mididings-20100413> diff setup.py.~1~  setup.py
>         48c48

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