[PlanetCCRMA] alsa-tools

David Ford dford at ansur.demon.co.uk
Wed Sep 23 05:31:33 PDT 2009

Hi Len

yum install xorg-x11-fonts*

missing in FC10 and still missing in FC11 - looks like we will need to 
do this every time from now on.

On 22/09/09 23:55, Len wrote:
> I recently re-installed PlanetCCRMA on F10, and when I try to launch echomixer (to control Echo Audio Layla24 interface) I get:
> 'Cannot find the font'
> I ran this down several months ago and it was needing some font for one of the toolkits like tk or fltk or something - I seem to remember some X-related lib maybe?  Now I can't seem to find a solution.  I installed planetccrma-apps to be sure that I had everything but no go.  Any ideas?
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