[PlanetCCRMA] The JACK Story (or "The State of (the Union) JACK" speech)

Ebrahim Mayat ebmayat at mac.com
Mon Nov 23 05:29:29 PST 2009

On Sun, 2009-11-22 at 16:37 -0800, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

> For some time the clear choice was jack2 as jack1 was really really
> unstable (the long 0.109.2 release, pretty unusable). Today (jack1
> 0.118.0) that is not so clear cut as jack1 is again very usable. But I
> would choose jack2 as it is the future of jack, and can use multiple
> cores - that is very desirable. 
> Time to explain in more detail. There are two aspects that make it
> difficult:
> a) rt priorities of processes in the kernel and jack
> b) default settings in limits.conf (or equivalent - now we have rtkit
> for that) for what Fedora users can do
> == Fedora kernel:
> Fedora's kernel is not patched with the rt patch. So no processes run rt
> in the kernel (AFAIK), see below for what happens in the rt kernel. The
> allowed maximum priority for users in the jackuser group is 20:
> ----
> ## Automatically appended by jack-audio-connection-kit
> @jackuser - rtprio 20
> @jackuser - memlock 4194304
> ----
> So, in that context the default rt priority for jackd (10) works fine as
> it is less than 20, that is users in the jackuser group can run jackd
> with the -R option. 
> == Planet CCRMA rt kernel:
> In an rt patched kernel processes associated with hardware interrupts,
> timers and other internal kernel stuff run in the rt scheduler ring. So
> they have more priority than any other SCHED_OTHER "normal" process. The
> default priorities of rt kernel processes is 50 (all hardware interrupts
> as far as I can remember) and 49 for all others. Which is more than the
> user limit of 20 and a lot more than the jack default of 10. 
> So things work. But they are not optimized for best performance. In our
> context better performance means the most reliable audio performance at
> low latencies (the shorter the latency the harder it is, I routinely run
> at 128x2, it is not hard to do 64x2). 
> The optimal setup which gives the best performance is to have the
> hardware interrupt process which services the soundcard to have higher
> priority than almost _all_ other hardware interrupt processes in the
> kernel. Then the soundcard driver has priority at the kernel level and
> can't be interrupted by, say disk i/o or the network interface or the
> mouse. If that were allowed to happen we would potentially get clicks
> (xruns in alsa parlance). 
> But that is not enough. The rt threads inside jackd itself and its
> clients should have higher priorities than the kernel rt threads that
> deal with interrupts other than the soundcard. So that the threads that
> actually feed samples to the soundcard can't be interrupted by disk i/o,
> etc, etc. 
> So... 
>  priority of soundcard interrupt > priority of rt threads in jack
>  priority of rt threads in jack > priority of all other rt threads
> Rt priorities can be set or queried with chrt. So it is possible to tune
> everything at boot time for best performance. I currently do that with
> the rtirq script, written by Rui Nuno Capela. It is a boot time service
> that reorders the priorities of all interrupts to give the best
> performance. What it currently does is (more or less):
> - puts the rtc priority at the top (80, I think)
> - puts the soundcard priorities below that, around 70
> - then i8042 keyboard/mouse
> - leaves all others alone at 50 and 49
> (I'd have to check the scripts again to make sure but that's the idea).
> So a default priority for jack of 60 puts it in the right place in the
> ladder of priorities. 
> The unpatched default of 10 is not enough, as all kernel priorities are
> above it. In that case rtirq is still better than nothing as the
> soundcard is prioritized over other hardware interrupts. 
> ....
> I have raised this issue in the past and the result was more or less
> complete indifference if I remember correctly.  
> There are two options for integrating Jack into Fedora and _not_ losing
> any performence:
> 1) adapt to Fedora's default of max rt priority for users of 20. That
> would involve changing rtirq and squeezing _all_ kernel and jack
> priorities within the range of 20. No pretty but doable, I guess (I
> don't see a reason of why 20 is a good choice). 
> 2) convince the maintainer of jack in Fedora _and_ all other parties
> involved in Fedora that 20 is a bit to low and perhaps 50 or 70 would be
> better. I don't see much hope in that (or even 90, if you want to run an
> overlord process that monitors all other rt processes like in the case
> of rtkit then limiting users to _anything_ would be fine, it should not
> matter whether it is 20 or 90). 
> I would be _very_ opposed to anything that involves an unnecessary
> compromise in performance. Then I would still have to package a jack
> that overrides the one in Fedora as I do now, and what's the point of
> that?
> Another problem is that Planet CCRMA assumes the user _will_ run jack
> with rt and thus it gives rt access to all users. That is unacceptable
> in Fedora but makes it not work as an out of the box solution for Planet
> CCRMA. Not a _real_ problem as I can override that with a mini-package
> in Planet CCRMA. 
> Sorry for the length, hopefully I have covered everything relevant. 
> Let's hope for the best...
> It is too bad that I was very slow when Fedora got started and did not
> get to maintain the jack package from the beginning. 


Absolutely brilliant !! I would term this "The State of (the Union)
JACK" speech ;-)

It would be great if you could condense your explanation together with
Luis' explanation of "kernel priority" into a  "JACK in a nutshell"

Your work is deeply appreciated.

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