[PlanetCCRMA] book on ccrma?

Bruce Elliott belliott4488 at verizon.net
Wed Nov 18 11:56:12 PST 2009

Well, I guess I might have made this more complicated by bringing up the idea of a Planet CCRMA forum, so let me address both:

WIKI: I think this is best for exactly what you describe, i.e. rapidly changing applications and procedures. A static set of documentation - either static web pages or an actual book - is harder to maintain and keep up-to-date.  A wiki would require only a reliable set of members from the community who would collectively make sure that the information stayed up-to-date, each keeping an eye on his own areas of personal expertise.

FORUM: I like forums precisely because of the problem of mixing levels of sophistication on one mailing list.  The forum sites to which I belong (e.g. www.fedoraforum.org) all have many forums for different interests.  I could imagine a forum for beginners, one for installation problems, one for hardware issues, one for developers, another for musicians and producers, etc.  I think it makes it easier for each member to find the information he's looking for, plus there is the historial record so that people can more easily search and find answers to their questions that might have been previously posted.

The disadvantage, of course, is the time that would be needed to maintain either of these sites, especially if the forums were to be moderated.  On the other hand, I've never known how Fernando could keep up with these mailing lists as well as he does, maintain the web pages, and still get his real work done.  I would hope that some of the effort that currently goes into doing those things would be relieved, especially if it could be spread to more members of the community.

- Bruce

From: Juan Reyes <juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>
To: Bruce Elliott <belliott4488 at verizon.net>
Cc: planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sent: Wed, November 18, 2009 12:59:08 PM
Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] book on ccrma?

Hi Bruce,

I guess the problem is time and the rate of change on applications and
methods. Plus you have to test things before you write about them.

Furthermore there are several paths you might want to go. On one side
there is Kernel and system's savvy people, and on the other audio and
music inclined engineers, performers and composers. Could we use the
same kind of language on both groups?.

But don't get me wrong I am in favor of a PlanetCCRMA wiki knowing that
it requires a lot of volunteer time and effort.

  --* Juan

On Wed, 2009-11-18 at 09:30 -0800, Bruce Elliott wrote:
> I'd love to see a Planet CCRMA wiki.  I've also wondered why there is
> no on-line forum for discussions, but only the mailing lists.
> Wouldn't those kinds of things reduce the number of repeated questions
> on this list?  (Maybe like this question itself - I have not been a
> regular follower of this list, so I don't know if this has been asked
> and answered, and searching through the archives is daunting.)
> - Bruce


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