[PlanetCCRMA] Trying out Fedora 12

Tracey Hytry shakti at bayarea.net
Sat Nov 21 17:29:48 PST 2009

> What I'm really writing about: I installed the kernel-rt from the CCRMA 
> repo, and it did not create its own entry in grub.conf; is anyone else 
> experiencing this? Did I do something wrong?

I doubt it, I suspect a problem in the new kernel handling software on fedora 12.
I have the same problem with any new fedora kernel that I install.

I think in my case it's because I use a grub in a very removed place from the installation.  When I did the upgrade and got to the kernel install part it made me a bit nervous right then that something might be wrong.  Usually I tell the install to put grub on the(non-bootable) partition that the new fedora's on;  and then whenever I get a new kernel I copy the grub kernel lines from it's boot to my custom boot/grub.  

Anyway, if it still boots from a grub, you can just make your own lines up in it for the new kernel, until this gets sorted out I guess?  Tell us if a new install works if you decide to do that?  I wouldn't bother if you got this far from an "upgrade" like I did, because of the work involved in setting up the system the way you want it again.  Also, leaving the drakut system in a confused state may be helpful, so that we know when they get the bugs out of it, that they really are gone.

Good luck!

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