[PlanetCCRMA] fedora 12 support (coming?)

Lamar Owen lowen at pari.edu
Thu Nov 19 14:36:53 PST 2009

On Thursday 19 November 2009 04:53:29 pm Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> Well, for [tracking and using Rawhide] we need more packagers... I'm not
> sure I want to track rawhide, that would be too much work for very little
> return (who is into serious audio work that would actually use rawhide in
> production?? :-).

Me.  If nothing else, this could help the quality of the 'stepwise final' 
products and catch bugs sooner in the development cycle.....

But I've tracked rawhide before, well, before Fedora was Fedora, and Red Hat 
Linux was in the versions where Red Hat Enterprise Linux stands today.  I 
don't necessary relish the remembrance, but I do recall catching things in 
rawhide and reporting bugs on them.....

I also track Ardour SVN, FWIW.  I don't build every rev, but there are some 
interesting things that come down that particular pipe.  And the only real 
test is to actually use it; breakage and all.  Now, if I'm doing a 'by the 
hour' mix or something I break out something a little more supported than 
current SVN.....

Getting ready to adventure into 3.0 territory....

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