[PlanetCCRMA] book on ccrma?

Gabriel linux at gabriel-striewe.de
Wed Nov 18 10:36:58 PST 2009

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 09:59:08AM -0800, Juan Reyes wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> I guess the problem is time and the rate of change on applications and
> methods. Plus you have to test things before you write about them.
> Furthermore there are several paths you might want to go. On one side
> there is Kernel and system's savvy people, and on the other audio and
> music inclined engineers, performers and composers. Could we use the
> same kind of language on both groups?.
> But don't get me wrong I am in favor of a PlanetCCRMA wiki knowing that
> it requires a lot of volunteer time and effort.
>   --* Juan
> On Wed, 2009-11-18 at 09:30 -0800, Bruce Elliott wrote:
> > I'd love to see a Planet CCRMA wiki.  I've also wondered why there is
> > no on-line forum for discussions, but only the mailing lists.
> > Wouldn't those kinds of things reduce the number of repeated questions
> > on this list?  (Maybe like this question itself - I have not been a
> > regular follower of this list, so I don't know if this has been asked
> > and answered, and searching through the archives is daunting.)
> > 
> > - Bruce
> > 
> > 

So what we need is a wiki with the option of pdf output. I know the
idea of printing a book on a subject which is so quickly outdated
seems strange. But some people might want to read it. And lily.com
makes the whole thing convenient and cheap.

I need to have a look for a wiki with pdf output. 

The mailing lists are still, from my point of view, the right place to help
each other on installation and setup issues. 


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