[PlanetCCRMA] slv2-examples

Sean Bolton smbolton at jps.net
Sun May 31 17:42:54 PDT 2009

Hi Martin and Orcan,

On May 31, 2009, at 1:23 PM, Orcan Ogetbil wrote:
>> I just found a strange bug (?) in whysynth (compiled by myself from
>> upstream sources), and the same bug is also present in xsynth and
>> wsynth.
>> Not many people will notice it. These synths can save and load
>> their synth patches in an ASCII text file. This makes the files  
>> sort of
>> human-readable, unlike SysEx files that are in binary format.
>> But now I found that the system language can influence the way  
>> floating
>> point numbers are written to the file. For example 1.2345 would be
>> 1,2345 on my own Dutch fedora system.
> I'm sorry I can't provide much help with this.  But I think it should
> be reported to dssi itself, not to a particular synth plugin.

Nope, it's not a DSSI problem, it's a problem with the plugins I've  
written and at least one (wsynth) based on my code.  Not a strange  
bug, just your garden-variety ethnocentrism of an English-speaking  

The fix is to temporarily set a neutral 'C' locale while saving and  
loading the patches.  I'm working on patching whysynth now, but I'm  
in the middle of exams so it might be a week or three before I get  
them all released.  Thanks for the report,


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