[PlanetCCRMA] Some question about Pd

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun May 24 20:25:39 PDT 2009

On Tue, 2009-05-12 at 09:21 +0200, Raphael Raccuia wrote:
> Thank you...
> Oded Ben-Tal a écrit :
> >> -Question: why isn't there yet the latest version?
> >
> > becaue nando is very busy and packaging pd is a pain.
> ok...

I was working on a new version but I constantly get interrupted with
"more important things" I have to do before I can finish :-) ...

It is actually a pain. I was getting closer on the last iteration. 

> >>
> >> -Problem: Is it normal that libs are not automatically loaded at
> >> startup? (like other distributions when you install pd-extended) It's
> >> boring adding and checking each one by one... Positive point: I learn a
> >> lot about each externals
> >
> > I think it's a feature of newer version of pd-extended (>0.40?)
> I thought the packagers was doing that...

I don't even think there is a completely standard way of loading them.
And you probably would not want _all_ of them always loaded on startup
(memory/cpu usage perhaps?). And individual packages would not be able
to automagically add library loading commands when installed (or remove
them when uninstalled). As far as I can tell pd is not designed with
packaging in mind :-)

-- Fernando

> >> -Bug: when I open the help-browser, when I select a directory, it opens
> >> a new part window, but then I can't return to another directory in
> >> parent. I get this error and I have to close the browser and open again:
> >
> > I reported this on pd's bug tracker. I'm not sure it got fixed. It is 
> > fairly annoying.
> could you send the link? I can't find the ticket...
> cheers
> raf
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