[PlanetCCRMA] help with new soundcard

Oded Ben-Tal oded at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu May 28 23:09:39 PDT 2009

Following good advice on this list I was able to get a new firewire card 
to work (Focusrite, Saffire LE). It works fins for playback with both snd 
and pd, but when I try to handle inputs as well as output I get clicks and 
I'm using jack set to 2 inputs/6 outputs, frames/period 512, 4800 sample 
rate, 4 perios/buffer; and I'm connecting through a card 
with TI chipset (or so it claims). Anyone knows of a simple place to look 
for fixing this? (I tried reducing to 1 channel input and didn't notice 
any difference).
It is possible that the problem is Pd, since it's the only app I used for
inputs (I don't get any errors/warnings in jack). Is there a simple way of 
testing simultanous input+outputs that's quick to set (i.e. not ardour; I 
should learn ardour now that I have jack running, but I am desperately 
hoping to get this to work for a performance next week, so no time to 
figure out additional new complex things).

thanks for your collective help so far,


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