[PlanetCCRMA] slv2-examples

Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen at zonnet.nl
Sat May 9 04:03:46 PDT 2009

Hi PlanetCCRMA people,

I want to give (s)lv2 a try. So I yum-installed several related things 
from fedora 10 and PlanetCCRMA. 

I'm having a dependency problem installing the slv2-examples package 
using yum. It looks like a newer version of slv2 (6.0) is installed from 
the fedora repo, while slv2-examples depends on version 5.0 that's 
available on the PlanetCCRMA repo. Help ?

Another question: I want to give zyn and zynjacku a first try, but can 
find very little info on how to use it for first time users. The info I 
can find is more for developers and programmers.

How do I load zyn, how do I connect it to my MIDI keyboard or vkeybd 
(using qjackctl ?). Help ?



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